Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Day 8

And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm 


Julie "Today was a beautiful day. We started by crossing the international bridge from Portugal into Spain. The cathedral in TUI was not going to be open for us to get a stamp, so that was disappointing. But then when we got there it was open and we got our stamp , then he closed his office .  It was a hard day for me. Third day of feeling sick, bad headache, coughing and sinus and sore knee. So I had a little cry, but carried on with a lot of help from my friends. Planned and dreamed for so long to have this Camino and I am very sick. Peace, be still . And , When I am weak , he is strong. "
 Peg    "Today we began our journey by crossing the Minho River from Portugal to Spain. We walked up to the cathedral in Tui. Then we walked through the city and into the countryside. We crossed streams on old stone bridges, went on forest paths, and through beautiful farmlands and small villages. We have been blessed with perfect weather for walking: sunny but not too hot. We saw a painting on a wall of “the old pilgrim,” and decided if he could do it, we could too Thank you all for your prayers, and especially please pray for Julie who is very punky with a bad cold ."



  1. What is the highlight of your El Camino experience thus far?

  2. Praying for healing for Julie!

  3. Forget what is behind and straining towards what is a head, press on towards the goal (Phil. 3: 13-14)
